Friday, July 1, 2011

Thought You Should Know

Hearts pacing. Time's pacing. Thoought u would always be there now I'm replacing you.
But not totally. Cause I know there is still some power you have over me. Your tweets.
Your statuses still control me. Im forced to read them and look for someone to console me
after i realize you've moved on and i havent.
Hard to say but your words are so distractin'.
I wonder do i miss you because Im lonely or Im lookin' back and remembering how your
hugs felt on my back and how i felt laying on your lap and hearing your heart beats while
sittin' on my couch and man i dont know. These feelings have got to go
So .. I thought you should know ..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

No Promised Tomorrow

Lately things have been kind of weird.
I travel alone but yet I have no fear.
Each day is a challenge to do the right thing, despite what drama others bring.
Trying to ignore the "wrong" is such a task, but for what more could I ask.
I could be somewhere in a casket so I appreciate every thing that life unexpectedly brings
And since I know life's not always full of sorrow,
I thank God because there's no promised tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Day in the Life of Kiana Cole

I wake up, look up and thank God for if it werent for him I wouldn't be alive .
I wash my face and feel my head with pride
Then, I hide my emotions as I walk through the walls of the "High"
I grab my morals and spread them all over my face so the world can see as i plead my case.
I am surrounded by people but no one knows im alone, the same old song
Before I return to my resting place I take my morals offf my face.
Put my pride in my back pocket
I thank God from the bottom of my soul and praise him for a day in the life of Kiana Cole.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hiding Behind A Smile

I see you standing there smiling when u feel like crying
She did you wrong so now love makes you like dying
Tell me all your secrets, i promise i wont tell
Ive been there through it all , when she lied and u said she didnt mean it
I was so sad and sorry that you actually believed it. well, i .. just want to make that smile real
You dont have to fake it . Its just me . You know the deal .
I wont judge you, spill it all . and i promise if you call i'll be there to catch you when you fall
I cant say that my feelings for you have subsided but if making smile is all i can do your FRIEND
I will be there one hundred and ten .  And you wont have to rewind to the hurt, pain , and lies .
Dont hide behind that smile cause i hear your silent cries behind those beautiful brown eyes .

Monday, June 13, 2011

This is Major

This is major. Undeniable. Indescribable. Unpredictable. Inevitable. And unbelivable. My hearts's song. Where I belong.
What i always hoped for, more than I imagined. Yet, meeting all my wildest expectations.
The sweetest nightmare. The most beautiful daydream.
The epitome of perfection. The example of the finest resurrection living on.
The essence of life. The sight to the blind.
A dazzling definition of what it means to feel.
Endless happiness.
An amazing fairy-tale dwelling in reality.
A whole new world. Full of the sweetest nectar i have ever tasted .
Sitting on the clouds of heaven. Feeling the breath of the angels. Yes, i said Gabriel .. and all the others
Floating above all, on the elements of your spirit
The purest manifestation of everything love is made of.
Undeniable. Indescribable. Unpredictable. Inevitable. And unbelivable.
My hearts song. Where i belong.
Deep inside this thing called love entrapped in the thickest part of its walls . This .. is major .